Green Tea!

On Sunday August 24, Margot Johnston and Rainey Hopewell hosted a tea party on the Haultain Common.  A month earlier, Victoria City Council had adopted a set of Interim Boulevard Gardening Guidelines to support and guide boulevard plantings. It was high time to celebrate over high tea!  City Councillors Ben Isitt, Geoff Young, and Lisa Helps dropped by.  A few street greens also presented themselves…


Where: Big bushes right in the middle of the Common.  You can’t miss ’em!

Why: Ripe berries are great in yogurt, smoothies or all on their own

How: Look for the biggest, brightest berries you can find.  If under-ripe, they’re a bit bitter

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat:  Perennial arugula

Where:  Just west of the goji berry bushes, close to the sidewalk

Why:  Spicy greens for salads

How:  Break off some leaves, simple as that!



Where:  Here, there and everywhere (in the Common, the Annex, and the Fair Field)

Why:  Blue flowers look great in salads, and taste like cucumber

How:  Just pluck off some flowers to take home, or pop ’em in your mouth!

Summer Picnic!

What:  BlOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAooming chives

Where:  Fair Field (facing the house, look to the left or right of the steps)

Why:  Green stems can be chopped and added to lots of foods, like potato salad

How:  Cut or break stems close to the ground, leaving the roots in place


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat:  Lemon balm leaves (member of mint family)

Where:  Fair Field (facing the house, look for the biggest bush to the right of the steps)

Why:  Try crushing a few lemony leaves in your favourite summer beverage!

How:  Just pick off some leaves, simple as that!


WOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhat:  Peppermint leaves

Where:  Fair Field (facing the house, look to the left of the steps)

Why:  Mint julip anyone?  Try chewing on a few leaves, just to freshen up!

How:  Just pick off some leaves, simple as that!

Ready to Harvest!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat:  Tuscan kale leaves

Where:  Fair Field (close to bus stop, near the curb)

Why:  Add leaves to soup or stir fry, or massage them with olive oil then add to salad

How:  Break off a few leaves from the outside of a bunch, taking care not to damage the stem



What:  Oregano leaves and flowers

Where:  Fair Field (face the house, & look to the right of the steps)

Why:  Add to sauces, soups, salads, whatever – fresh or after drying on your window sill

How:  Ideally, use a knife or scissors to cut off a stem, including leaves and flowers



What:  Strawberries!

Where:  Fair Field (look around, you might find one)

Why:  Sweet and tasty!

How:  Break off the berry just above its little ‘hat’; eat the berry, and toss the hat back into the garden (it’s not littering, it’s mulching!)